Trimble Connected Site: Simplifying Jobsite Collaboration and Efficiency

A single source of truth for constructible data in the field and office helps you avoid time-consuming rework, share data seamlessly across a project, and know everyone is on the same page. With the Trimble Jobsite Connectivity Bundle, management and collaboration software tools seamlessly work together to create a more powerful and more cost effective solution.

If you already have Trimble software solutions, an upgrade to get the benefits from the synergy of the connectivity is now possible, delivering more value at a more cost effective price. The bundled Trimble software solutions enable full visibility of what is happening on site and confidence that everyone is working to the latest plan. This gives contractors peace of mind in an industry where projects are complex and constantly changing.


The Trimble Jobsite Connectivity Bundle

Integrated Tools for Complete Jobsite Connectivity From Office to Field. Discover the Solutions Behind Trimble Connected Site:

Trimble Connect Information Tablet

Trimble Connect® is a cloud-based collaboration platform where project stakeholders can share, review, coordinate and comment on construction models, schedules and other project information.


Simplified Pre-Construction

Connecting construction operations can pay off even before the project begins. Accurate information at your fingertips allows for better planning, scheduling and bidding.

  • Quickly and easily confirm designs without expert-level skills
  • Avoid time-consuming file formatting and opportunities for error

Compatible With a Wide Range of Solutions

  • Connect all stages of the construction project
  • Standardised data allows for wider use across the project
  • Support for third-party solutions increases business opportunities
  • Transfer files between different field systems operating on the same site
  • Leverage the Trimble Connect Software Developer Kit (SDK) to integrate third-party tools with Trimble civil construction software
  • Supports LandXML based data exchange


Trimble Connected Site Compatible with a Wide Range of Solutions

Avoid Rework

Quickly modify plans and coordinate with field operations from anywhere in the world, avoiding costly mistakes from an outdated design or incorrect coordinate system.

  • More efficient and faster file transferring to reduce risks of mistakes
  • Cleaner handoffs from engineers makes sure everyone is working from the same design with less effort
  • Provide transparency across entire organisation so you’re always looking at the latest information
  • Settings flow throughout projects, and projects flow throughout systems


Trimble Connected Site Avoid Rework

Integrates With